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What is lock rekeying?

lock rekeyingLock rekeying is the process of changing the current working key for an existing lock to a new key instead of changing the entire lock. There are situations we all face in our day to day life like changing of house, loss of keys, fired some employee who seems to be a threat which makes you think of changing the locks. In that scenario, instead of going for an expensive lock change, you can go for an alternative solution of re-engineering your lock with the process of rekeying which includes changing key pins inside the existing lock and opening it with a different key instead of changing the entire part.

Usually, the reason why people choose rekeying a lock instead of replacing a lock is when they are looking for either a cheaper solution of changing the lock or want various locks of their house to open with one key. The process of rekeying only involves a locksmith to change some of the key pins within the lock. The cost included in this process is the labor charges and extremely low cost of key pins. Whereas, the cost of changing the lock includes labor and new lock charges which is fairly expensive.

When should you get your locks rekeyed?

You can get your locks rekeyed when your lock and key are working fine but still you want to change your key. This may happen under the scenario when:

  • You have moved to a new office or house and you want the lock and keys to be replaced with fewer expenses.
  • You lost your set of keys and you’re afraid of it being misused.
  • You have been recently separated or divorced
  • Your roommate has moved out
  • You have changed your cleaning services or maintenance company

How is it different than entirely changing your locks?

Process of lock rekeying is entirely different from changing your locks as this process is cheaper and the cost of buying new key pins is extremely low. Rekeying your locks requires an in-depth knowledge of locks and for locksmiths to use right tools which are very expensive. This process is also very time consuming and very risky as it requires much precision for the locksmith operating on the rekeying locks.

When is lock replacement better than lock rekeying?  

Lock replacement is better than lock rekeying when you want to upgrade your security system to fingerprint locks or electronic lock. This is usually done in case you are looking for upgrading to new technology, changing of design or color. This may also be done if your new place has old and rusty lock which cannot be reused or rekeyed. Finally, lock replacement can also be done in case you want to rekey your locks to open with one key to simplify your work. But the locks currently used are of different brands due to which lock rekeying is not possible unless we use locks of same brand. In this scenario, we first change the locks to same brand and then follow the rekeying procedure.

Kyle Locksmith Co. can help with lock rekeying, lock replacement or new lock installation in Kyle. Our team has highly qualified residential locksmith in Kyle who are licensed, insured and bonded so that we are able to prove safe and reliable locksmith services to our customers. Call us at (512) 634-8090.